Thursday, February 14, 2008


OpenNtf Project of the Month - Ext.ND

I was heading over to OpenNtf for a different reason today and noticed the 'Project of the Month'. Lotusphere, for me, was full of 'little' surprises. Ext.ND was one of the bigger surprises. Why had I not read about this before? It's so cool !
From the OpenNtf home page:

ExtND--Simple yet elegant web 2.0 functionality for Domino.
Ext for Notes and Domino--aims to Provide a better “out of the box” Web UI/UX for IBM Lotus Domino applications by developing a framework that will extend Domino, based on EXT.
This tool is easy to use, well structured, well documented, and will yield a highly finished product in a matter of days, not weeks .

Head on over to OpenNtf for a demo.

Hats off to the project chefs: Rich Waters, Jack Ratcliff, Nathan Freeman

Yeah, I went to that session and was absolutely blown away! I highlighted it in this months LUG Developer Tips article. I will do all I can to spread the word about it. It's gorgeous, easy to use, and FREE! Thanks, guys! :-)
I suspect that untilt Ext.ND works to display categorized views, it's adotption will be limited. Who doesn't use categorized views in their Domino apps?
Glad you enjoyed the presentation and our framework. Categorized view support is in the works as well.
Thanks for the update.
Glad you paid a visit here to explain the categorized view issue.
Well, until Rich gets categorized views working, we have just added "drag and drop" support for dragging and dropping documents from views onto folders in outlines. Just like you can in your email, for instance. This will be available in the next beta that will be posted soon on the Ext.nd forum.

OK, we have categorized view support in the next beta now. It works, for the most part, just like the default way domino html views works (so you can only expand one category at a time and must page through data). You can check it out on the demo db we have on openNTF ( We hope everyone likes it and that it will suffice for now while we continue working on our ultimate goal of having categorized views on the web work just like their notes counterpart.

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