Friday, August 31, 2007


NotesSQL driver and MS Access observations

I've seen this before but didn't spend the time to address it. Using the NotesSQL driver and creating a link to a Notes view, you see some columns with titles of '_21' or '_19'. In the past, I just created a query or report in MS Access and changed the name. Today, a user pressed me so I took a deeper look. I noticed the columns that this occurs to are columns with a formula. The columns just using the field show the internal Notes field name as the title and not the view column title. Taking a look at the column property for programmatic use, sure enough you see '$21' or '$19'. Change this property and there you go.

Another thing to note with the NotesSQL driver is an issue we had using the two versions available for download. The download page shows a Lotus NotesSQL 3.0.2i for Windows and a Lotus NotesSQL 3.02j for Windows. The description is exactly the same. We tried the 'j' version first(because j comes after i) but encountered an error in the ODBC manager and it would not allow us to create the connection. We had to uninstall the driver and go with the 'i' version.

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Curt, do you have any info on the version of NotesSQL driver that will be compatible with Notes 8.0.x?
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