Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Having trouble with Blogger.com and latest going on's

I'm finally able to post. I must have customized my blog too much and I'm not able to upgrade yet to the new blogger. Then, they wouldn't let me in my old blogger. I'm working on a web site for a business and intend to use Domino. When I get that up and running, I may move my blog to a paid Domino host. Anyway, there's a lot going on. Today is going to be a warm Spring day and we start baseball practice tonight. I'm coaching a Major division team. I'm excited at work because I'm finally building a new Domino application. It's been fun trying some new techniques learned at Lotusphere. I'll post some things I'm doing in this application. I'm sure many of this things are basic but may be good for a beginner developer. In April, I'm doing a brown bag presentation on "Social Computing". I've been doing some research and I'll try and post some things on this topic.
Over the weekend, I went to see "300". Wow! is all I can say. You have to enjoy historical, violent movies to like this one. The graphics and cinematography are awesome. If I knew the story of the Sparten stand of 300 vs. 1 Million, I'd forgotton. It's a classic tale of how training of a few is more powerful than many untrained. Knowledge is power!

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