Friday, February 02, 2007


Ever have one of those problems that make you say, "Huh?!"

I was pulling my hair out today with a hide-when problem. Inspired from sessions at Lotusphere 2007, I built a tabbed table with seven tabs and imbedded a table in each one. There are hide-when formula's on 3 of the tables when a field above the table changes. Problem was the hide-when's would not activate until I clicked a tab even though the field that changed had the property to refresh when changed. Many trips to the forum gave me some ideas but nothing seemed to work. Some comments stated that the hide-whens should hide the tab if the elements in the tab were hidden. Would you beleive this? If you make a change to the field and scroll the right scroll bar, hide-whens will work. Looks like a bug. I put the table a little lower on the form so the user has to scroll to see the table and then the tabs work fine. Weird?

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