Monday, December 11, 2006


Heads up! Daylight Savings Time change for next year.

I've not seen any discussion on this topic in the Notes community yet. We've begun a project to mitigate the problem in all are systems. Here's the problem as stated in the Lotus Technote:

"The United States and parts of Canada are extending the period of Daylight Saving Time (DST) beginning in 2007. From 2007 onward, DST will commence on the second Sunday in March (three weeks earlier than previously) and end on the first Sunday in November (a one week extension). "

I just read this note quickly but the first priority is to get your operating system patched for users and servers. Seems we better get started now so the our calendars don't get messed up in March.

You'll find links in this note to assist with calendaring and applications. In the application document, there's some code to help if you don't have the OS correct for documents already impacted.

Does the fun ever stop?
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Something like this?

You got it, Gregg. I'm surprised at the lack of awareness.
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