Wednesday, September 27, 2006


What you find when you Google your name

Oh, my... I can't believe what I found when I Googled my name. LOL. There's a book series with "Curt Stone" as a Private Investigator. The quote on the cover says "Li-Na made pleasure her business. Curt Stone gave her the business - and then some" I can't make this stuff up. Too funny ! Seems I have a very interesting life as a mystery thriller character. James Bond has nothing on me.

Hmmm... gotta review that one! :)
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I'm sure it's not easy to find. I did find it in a Yahoo! auction. I should lay down the $3 and get a copy. For now, I'll have to be content with a James Patterson book I picked up at the library tonight, "Along Came A Spider". On your recommendation, I decided on a Alex Cross book. I went there to get "Kiss The Girls". They had a copy but is was in rough shape. So I went with the first in the series. I'm only 20 pages in but I'm liking it already.
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