Monday, September 25, 2006


My study of XML continue's with Chapter 47

Chapter 47 of "Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Programming Bible" is titled,"XML, DXL and Domino Data". This chapter is an intro to DXL, DTD, Schema and developing custome XML output. Some of the highlights of this chapter for me are:

- Explaination of ReadViewEntries URL command and the use of some powerful commands. They use a working example that shows two types of XML links in a view. The first link when clicks creates a single doc in DXL format. The second link creates a DXL document representing three documents in a category using DXL parameters. They show the column formula's that produce this output.

- There's an explanation and intro to the DXL Utilities in Domino Designer. This includes the Exporter, Transformer and Viewer. These utilities are useful in exporting DXL for Domino design elements like forms, views and others. You can use these tools also to testing the development of stylesheets for DXL transformations.

- There's a working example of creating custom XML from Domino documents. You create a form with embedded XML tags around your fields. The form also contains XML declaratin statements and XMl element tags. The form property "Treat document contents as HTML" is used. You create a view with a form formula equal to this custom form. The listing of documents in the view then will use this custom form to display the custom XML.

Next chapter will continue the custom XML creation by using Lotuscript and some of the new DXL classes in R6. Cool stuff!

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