Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Have a nice day.

I've had a bunch of things crap out on me this week. My van(had to take a day from work but I fixed a brake fluid leak), my digital camera memory stick would only hold three pictures(I figured out how to format the memory stick), my daughters computer wouldn't load Windows XP(had to fight with tech support and succumbed do a destructive format and now the wireless network card causes the keyboard and mouse to lockup), my Sirius boombox won't work(no power except batteries). And... at work they want me to hide id and password on a lookup to Oracle and a couple of my agents are user generated which means I'm having trouble hiding the password.

Anyway, have a nice day.

You're right... a bad week. :)
I didn't want to say anything but wasn't Monday 9/11? My trite issues are minor. As Chrissy Hynde once said, "Don't drop a bomb on my street". We all here in New England really know the meaning of that song lyric too well.
@Tom - best wishes for you and your aggrevating issue. My brother-in-law had this taken care of a while back. I'm sure you'll be as good as new soon.
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