Thursday, September 21, 2006


Finally used the Dynamic Table example from Domino Bible

There's a great example of a dynamic table in the "Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Programming Bible". I finally got a chance to use it in one of my applications. In Rocky Oliver's chapter 15 example(p210-217), he uses this example to show a cool use of a list box interaction with some edit fields all resulting in a nice ui to add, subtract and change values of a table. It uses all @formula language. There's a sample database you can download to save yourself a bunch of typing. One thing I had to work on today was getting the list box to show the values when you print. The user's always print this particular document so this was important. To my surprise, a list box does not reveal it's values when you print. They show on the screen but not when you print. A quick trip to and I found a solution. I created a Computed When Displayed field for the values when in Read mode. I actually did two fields; one for the labels and one for the values. This way, they lined up nice. Next thing to tackle will be looping through the values to figure out the line that is the "Current" line. It will be the one where today's date is in between two of the dates in the row of data.
Fun and games. Thanks goes to Rocky for putting a cool technique in a standard kind of book. It's cool to me that I'd find this sort of technique in this book.

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