Tuesday, August 29, 2006



A lot is being talked about Alex Rodrigues and the slump he's in. Of course, it's blown way up because of his salary and being an NY Yankee. I actually feel bad for him as I remember that when I played I also thought to much about hitting instead of just "See the ball, hit the ball". Once you get it in your head that your in a slump, it's hard to get out no matter what they pay you. I often thought it would be better in sports to be sort of "non-technical". The more you try to analyize the problem, the worse it gets. Of course, I analyzed everything. It seems ARod is doing the same thing. He just needs to trust his ability, forget about everyone else and work his way out. Especially, as we get closer to post season. Not swinging at a few less bad pitches wouldn't hurt.

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